TO: Students in GSBGEN315 Strategic Communication

FROM: JD Schramm

DATE: February 20, 2020


RE: Providing Writing Guidance: A Memo on the Quality of Memos


We all look forward to reading your Prudential recommendations to management about issues of concern about Mark's choice. To help you prepare your revision (and future memos), we wanted to provide you some further guidance on business writing since the rest of our work will focus on oral communication in this course. By formatting this as an actual memo we hope to both model and articulate key information about writing effective and persuasive business documents. You could apply nearly all of this information to letters, emails, reports, and proposals. We will address items consistent with that which we used to evaluate your memos:

  • Style and Format
  • Technique and Grammar
  • Content and Analysis

Additionally, we've provided information about the Microsoft Word readability statistics and how to use these to help you improve your writing.

Deploy a Powerful, yet Standard, Business Memo Format

Don't simply try to meet our personal preferences for business writing, but rather learn and understand what is meant by standard business style. Employers will often provide specific expectations within a firm. Learn and follow what's required of you. Below find the memo standard we provided for this course:

  • Single-spaced
  • Double-space between paragraphs; no indentation
  • Left justify your document ...

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