4 Mark Blaug revisited A rebel with many causes

Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino

DOI: 10.4324/9781003138709-5

Mark Blaug passed away on 18 November, 2011. To honor his memory, two events were held in March 2012 – a Memorial Conference at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, Rotterdam (NL) and a seminar hosted by the Scottish Centre for Economic Methodology at the University of Glasgow (UK). Marcel Boumans and Matthias Klaes (2013) edited a book that contains a collection of papers given at these two events and includes some further papers submitted by people who were not able to attend the meetings ‘at such short notice’ (p. 5; all references to isolated pages are to the book edited by Boumans and Klaes 2013). In addition, ...

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