Table of Contents

Part 1. Models and Tools

Chapter 1. Model Use: From a Decision-Making Problem to a Set of Research Problems

1.1. Introduction: why model?

1.2. General presentation of the Watcher Information Search Problem model

1.3. Dimensions and aspects of the model

1.4. Description of model elements

1.5. Conclusion: toward flexibility in the model

1.6. Bibliography

Chapter 2. Analytical Tools for Competitive Intelligence: from Data Collection to Data Processing

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Overview of the multidimensional analysis model

2.3. Application of the multidimensional analysis model

2.4. Conclusion

2.5. Bibliography

Chapter 3. The Synergy of Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Theoretical context

3.3. Knowledge acquisition strategy

3.4. Formalization of knowledge

3.5. Conclusion

3.6. Appendices

3.7. Bibliography

Chapter 4. Collaborative Information Seeking in the Competitive Intelligence Process

4.1. Introduction

4.2. The CI process

4.3. From information retrieval to CIR

4.4. Facilitation and management of CIS

4.5. Collective information seeking scenario

4.6. Conclusion

4.7. Bibliography

Chapter 5. Study of Risk Factors in Competitive Intelligence Decision Making: A Cognitive Approach

5.1. Decision making and decision problems

5.2. Risks and RFs in CI

5.3. Cognitive capacity, a risk, and decision factor

5.4. Conclusion

5.5. Bibliography

Chapter 6. Multimedia Information Seeking Through Competitive Intelligence Process

6.1. Introduction ...

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