

1. Montgomery and Weinberg (1979).

2. Porter (1980).

3. Le Bon (1998).

4. Le Bon (1998).

Chapter 1

1. Prescott (1995), pp. 71–90.

2. Aguilar (1967); Cleland and King (1975, December), pp. 19–28.

3. Porter (1980).

4. Fuld (1985); Kelly (1987).

5. Ghoshal and Westney (1991), pp. 17–31; Le Bon (1998).

6. For further details, see Rapp, Agnihotri, and Baker (2011), pp. 123–140; Hughes, Le Bon, and Rapp (2013), pp. 91–110.

7. Austin (2003).

8. MacKay (1969).

9. Zmud (1978), pp. 187–195.

10. Eaton and Bawden (1991), pp. 156–165.

11. Luhn (1958), pp. 314.

12. Wilensky (1967).

13. Sveiby (2001), pp. 344–358; Davenport, De Long, and Beers (1998), pp. 43–57.

14. Brookes (1980), pp. 125–133.

15. Le Bon (1998).

16. Simon (1956), pp. 129–138. ...

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