Chapter 12
Profiling the Competitor CEO
In This Chapter
Measuring the agility of an organization’s leadership
Predicting how an organization’s leaders will respond to change
Gauging an organization’s risk tolerance
Evaluating a competitor CEO’s approach to product development
Individuals are products of their past and creatures of habit. Based on their past behaviors, the size of their egos, their aversion to risk, and other factors, you can generally predict how they’ll respond in any given situation. For example, based on the media’s labeling of a politician as liberal or conservative or a hawk or a dove, you can often predict the way she’ll vote on a particular issue.
The same holds true in the world of business. By studying a company’s CEO or an organization’s culture, you can often plot its future course. Do it well, and the result is almost as good as having the opposing team’s playbook a week before the big football game!
In this chapter, I guide you through the process of profiling an organization’s CEO and the corporate culture that drives the organization so you can begin ...
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