2_________________From Magico-Mythical Thinking to Making Promises and ForgivingA Headteacher’s Critique of Transformational School Leadership Practice

Keven Bartle

DOI: 10.4324/9781003092230-3


In his 1958 essay on human logicality and reasoning, ‘The Fixation of Belief’, C.S. Peirce suggests that one typical method of fixing belief in communities has been through institutions of the state being able to commit acts of violence against individuals with conflicting beliefs or doubts (Peirce, 1958).

When a complete agreement could not otherwise be reached, a general massacre of all who have not thought in a certain way has proved a very effective means of settling opinion.

(Peirce, in Talisse and Aikin, 2011: 48)

Hannah Arendt ...

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