7Taming Complexity and Risk in Internet of Things (IoT) Ecosystem Using System Entity Structure (SES) Modeling

Saurabh Mittal1, Sheila A. Cane2, Charles Schmidt1, Richard B. Harris1, and John Tufarolo3

1 The Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute (HSSEDI) TM, Operated by The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA, USA

2 Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT, USA

3 Research Innovations, Inc., Alexandria, VA, USA

7.1 Introduction

Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) are systems that bring together cyber and physical worlds, i.e. computational and physical systems (through sensing and actuation). The computational and physical elements may be separated by a network channel that is local, or geographically separated, as in Internet. CPS have a specific use case, i.e. domain‐specific, and correspond more to industrial sector (e.g. automobile, manufacturing, medicine, defense, etc.) that has complex machinery. CPS when connected through Internet is often referred to as Internet of Things (IoT), often marked as fourth Industrial Revolution: Industry 4.0 (Jazdi 2014). IoT has the same characteristic profile of a CPS, i.e. has sensing, computation infrastructure, actuation. However, IoT differs with CPS in usability, mobility, flexibility, scale, and the network protocols, that enable communication between the three fundamental parts of sensing, computation and actuation. While CPS has limited scalability and targeted user interaction, IoT has high scalability and wide user‐profile ...

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