A Music Generator program:
CD-ROM software information, 194–6
Abstraction boundaries:
building-block level, 3
definition, 2
Adaptive musical games, 136–43
evolutionary music modelling, 139–43
Advanced transition network (ATN), 74–5
Aleatory and probabilities, Texture program, 192–3
Algorithmic but live, M program, 203–4
Algorithmic composition software/languages, 9, 10, 43
Nyquist programming language, 177–80
and programs, 44
and subroutines, 45
Alife techniques/paradigms, 119–20
see also Adaptive musical games; Cellular automata; Genetic algorithms
Arcela, Aluízio, 2
Arrays, 50
application example, 52
see also Matrices
Artificial ...
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