Practice Examination: Are You Ready?
Are you ready? Have you taken a class? Have you studied a huge A+ Essentials certification how-to book, or three? If you answered correctly with "yes," "yes," and "yes," you may be close.
If you answer all of the questions in the following practice exam correctly, have some good hands-on experience, and understand the theory behind each of the topics mentioned, you are ready to take on and possibly pass the A+ Essentials exam.
The practice questions that follow are based strictly on the CompTIA-recommended Domain skills for the exam. This exam guide is specifically designed to quickly educate you on as many skills as possible that you may need to know for the real deal. For your exam practice convenience and study, the answers to the questions and a brief explanation are located at the end of each question. Note that this practice exam is considered much more difficult than the real CompTIA A+ Essential's exam. You will be introduced to most of CompTIA's suggested acronym list within the questions, and they are specifically designed to trick you. Some questions may offer you no choices. Simply write down the answer from the knowledge in your head and compare to the "Correct Answer." It is highly suggested that you have a piece of paper (to cover the answers below each question) and pencil handy to jot down answers and notes. You should also time yourself. Give yourself 90 minutes to complete this practice exam. If you answer more than two questions ...
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