Name dependences
ILP, 152–153
locating dependences, 318–319
loop-level parallelism, 315
scoreboarding, C-79
Tomasulo’s algorithm, 171–172
Nameplate power rating, WSCs, 449
NaN (Not a Number), J-14, J-16, J-21, J-34
NAND Flash, definition, 103
NAS Parallel Benchmarks
InfiniBand, F-76
vector processor history, G-28
National Science Foundation, WAN history, F-98
Natural parallelism
embedded systems, E-15
multiprocessor importance, 344
multithreading, 223
n-bit adder, carry-lookahead, J-38
n-bit number representation, J-7 to J-10
n-bit unsigned integer division, J-4
N-body algorithms, Barnes application, I-8 to I-9
N-cube topology, ...

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