ASCII Character Code
E.1 Standard ASCII
ANSI defined a standard alphabet known as ASCII. This has since been adopted by the CCITT as a standard, known as IA5 (International Alphabet No. 5). The following tables define this alphabet in binary, as a decimal value, as a hexadecimal value and as a character.
Binary | Decimal | Hex | Character | Binary | Decimal | Hex | Character |
00000000 | 0 | 00 | NUL | 00010000 | 16 | 10 | DLE |
00000001 | 1 | 01 | SOH | 00010001 | 17 | 11 | DC1 |
00000010 | 2 | 02 | STX | 00010010 | 18 | 12 | DC2 |
00000011 | 3 | 03 | ETX | 00010011 | 19 | 13 | DC3 |
00000100 | 4 | 04 | EOT | 00010100 | 20 | 14 | DC4 |
00000101 | 5 | 05 | ENQ | 00010101 | 21 | 15 | NAK |
00000110 | 6 | 06 | ACK | 00010110 | 22 | 16 | SYN |
00000111 | 7 | 07 | BEL | 00010111 | 23 | 17 | ETB |
00001000 | 8 | 08 | BS | 00011000 | 24 | 18 | CAN |
00001001 | 9 | 09 | HT | 00011001 | 25 | 19 | EM |
00001010 | 10 | 0A | LF | 00011010 | 26 | 1A | SUB |
00001011 | 11 | 0B | VT | 00011011 | 27 | 1B | ESC |
00001100 | 12 | 0C | FF | 00011100 | 28 | 1C | FS |
00001101 | 13 | 0D | CR | 00011101 | 29 ... |
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