Further Reading

Chapter 1

Barroso and Hölzle, 2007 Barroso L, Hölzle U. The case for energy-proportional computing. IEEE Computer 2007; December.

A plea to change the nature of computer components so that they use much less power when lightly utilized.

Bell, 1996 Bell, C. G. [1996].Computer Pioneers and Pioneer Computers, ACM and the Computer Museum, videotapes.

Two videotapes on the history of computing, produced by Gordon and Gwen Bell, including the following machines and their inventors: Harvard Mark-I, ENIAC, EDSAC, IAS machine, and many others.

Burks et al., 1946 Burks AW, Goldstine HH, von Neumann J. Preliminary discussion of the logical design of an electronic computing instrument. In: Los Angeles: MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, and Tomash Publishers; ...

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