Chapter 7
Models and Clocks
7.1 Introduction
Distributed software requires a set of tools and techniques different from that required by the traditional sequential software. One of the most important issues in reasoning about a distributed program is the model used for a distributed computation. It is clear that when a distributed program is executed, at the most abstract level, a set of events is generated. Some examples of events are the beginning and the end of the execution of a function, and the sending and receiving of a message. This set alone does not characterize the behavior. We also impose an ordering relation on this set. The first relation is based on the physical time model. Assuming that all events are instantaneous, that no two events are simultaneous, and that a shared physical clock is available, we can totally order all the events in the system. This is called the interleaving model of computation. If there is no shared physical clock, then we can observe a total order among events on a single processor but only a partial order between events on different processors. The order for events on different processors is determined on the basis of the information flow from one processor to another. This is the happened-before model of a distributed computation. We describe these two models in this chapter.
In this chapter we also discuss mechanisms called clocks that can be used for tracking the order relation on the set of events. The first relation we discussed on ...
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