Chapter 9
Global Snapshot
9.1 Introduction
One of the difficulties in a distributed system is that no process has access to the global state of the system, that is, it is impossible for a process to know the current global state of the system (unless the computation is frozen). For many applications, it is sufficient to capture a global state that happened in the past instead of the current global state. For example, in case of a failure the system can restart from such a global state. As another example, suppose that we were interested in monitoring the system for the property that the token in the system has been lost. This property is stable, that is, once it is true it stays true forever; therefore, we can check this property on an old global state. If the token is found to be missing in the old global state, then we can conclude that the token is also missing in the current global state. An algorithm that captures a global state is called a global snapshot algorithm.
A global snapshot algorithm is a useful tool in building distributed systems. Computing a global snapshot is beautifully exemplified by Chandy and Lamport as the problem of taking a picture of a big scene such as a sky filled with birds. The scene is so big that it cannot be captured by a single photograph, and therefore multiple photographs must be taken and composed together to form the global picture. The multiple photographs cannot be taken at the same time instant because there is no shared physical clock ...
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