Chapter 12

Message Ordering

12.1 Introduction

Distributed programs are difficult to design and test because of their nondeterministic nature, that is, a distributed program may exhibit multiple behaviors on the same external input. This nondeterminism is caused by reordering of messages in different executions. It is sometimes desirable to control this nondeterminism by restricting the possible message ordering in a system.


Figure 12.1: A FIFO computation that is not causally ordered

A fully asynchronous computation does not have any restriction on the message ordering. It permits maximum concurrency, but algorithms based on fully asynchronous communication can be difficult to design because they are required to work for all ordering of the messages. Therefore, many systems restrict message delivery to a FIFO order. This results in simplicity in design of distributed algorithms based on the FIFO assumption. For example, we used the FIFO assumption in Lamport’s algorithm for mutual exclusion and Chandy and Lamport’s algorithm for a global snapshot.

A FIFO-ordered computation is implemented generally by using sequence numbers for messages. However, observe that by using FIFO ordering, a program loses some of its concurrency. When a message is received out of order, its processing must be delayed.

A stronger requirement than FIFO is that of causal ordering. Intuitively, causal ordering ...

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