Chapter 8Stage 4—Optimize

If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language.

—David Ogilvy

Organizations in this stage focus on optimizing digital initiatives. This stage uses a combination of analytics aimed at actionable insights and optimization using testing and personalization (see Figure 8.1).


Figure 8.1 Sitecore® Customer Experience Maturity Model™—Optimize Stage

The Optimize Stage

Going to the Optimize stage marks an important shift of focus. The focus shifts from marketing tactics to acquire traffic to focusing on how to optimize the experience and how to achieve your objectives.

The first step in optimizing is to change one-size-fits-all messaging to messaging tailored to unique customer segments, their needs, motivations, and objectives. Personalization is key to this. It enables you to create better and more targeted conversations. As we cover in this chapter, personalization comes in many flavors. In the Optimize stage, your focus will be on quick wins using the easier methods of personalization.

The next important step in optimizing is to focus on digital goals that are key to achieving your strategic objectives. Creating better experiences through personalization is not only a win for the customers, but also for your organization as more engaged customers convert more digital goals. You will ...

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