
1G 1st Generation (analog mobile phone)
2BASE-TL P2P duplex Ethernet connection; 2 is speed in Mbps, BASE = baseband, T = twisted-pair, L = long reach
2G 2nd Generation (circuit-switched digital mobile phone)
3D Three-dimensional (television)
3G 3rd Generation (packet- or circuit-switched digital mobile phone)
3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project (packet- and circuit-switched digital mobile phone)
3GPP2 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (packet- [or circuit-]switched digital mobile phone)
3GPP LTE 3rd Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution (the basis for 4th generation, IP only, digital mobile phone)
3GPP IP 3rd Generation Partnership all IP (IP only digital mobile phone)
3GPP SAE 3rd Generation Partnership Project System Architecture Evolution (the basis for 4th generation, IP only, digital mobile phone)
4G 4th Generation (IP only, digital mobile phone)
10PASS-TS P2P duplex Ethernet connection; 10 is speed in Mbps, PASS = passband, T = twisted-pair, S = short reach
21CN 21st Century Network, a multiservice, IP-based network offered by BT (British Telecom)
1000BASE-PX10 P2P duplex (two optical wavelengths) Ethernet connection: 1000 is speed in Mbps, BASE = baseband, PX = single-mode fiber, 10 = 10 km reach
1000BASE-PX20 P2P duplex (two optical wavelengths) Ethernet connection: 1000 is speed in Mbps, BASE = baseband, PX = single-mode fiber, 20 = 20 km reach
AAA Authentication, Authorization and Accounting function
AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 ...

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