1G | 1st Generation (analog mobile phone) |
2BASE-TL | P2P duplex Ethernet connection; 2 is speed in Mbps, BASE = baseband, T = twisted-pair, L = long reach |
2G | 2nd Generation (circuit-switched digital mobile phone) |
3D | Three-dimensional (television) |
3G | 3rd Generation (packet- or circuit-switched digital mobile phone) |
3GPP | 3rd Generation Partnership Project (packet- and circuit-switched digital mobile phone) |
3GPP2 | 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (packet- [or circuit-]switched digital mobile phone) |
3GPP LTE | 3rd Generation Partnership Project Long Term Evolution (the basis for 4th generation, IP only, digital mobile phone) |
3GPP IP | 3rd Generation Partnership all IP (IP only digital mobile phone) |
3GPP SAE | 3rd Generation Partnership Project System Architecture Evolution (the basis for 4th generation, IP only, digital mobile phone) |
4G | 4th Generation (IP only, digital mobile phone) |
10PASS-TS | P2P duplex Ethernet connection; 10 is speed in Mbps, PASS = passband, T = twisted-pair, S = short reach |
21CN | 21st Century Network, a multiservice, IP-based network offered by BT (British Telecom) |
1000BASE-PX10 | P2P duplex (two optical wavelengths) Ethernet connection: 1000 is speed in Mbps, BASE = baseband, PX = single-mode fiber, 10 = 10 km reach |
1000BASE-PX20 | P2P duplex (two optical wavelengths) Ethernet connection: 1000 is speed in Mbps, BASE = baseband, PX = single-mode fiber, 20 = 20 km reach |
AAA | Authentication, Authorization and Accounting function |
AAL5 | ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 ... |