CHAPTER 17Transforming Yourself

We must be change agents in our lives, to embrace new challenges, take risks, and reinvent our ourselves. It's up to us to wake up and transform ourselves every day.

There is no better allegory for this than the tale The Wizard of Oz. In the story, the main character, Dorothy, travels along the yellow brick road. She becomes a leader, building a diverse team of misfits searching for a wizard who will solve their problems. Yet, there are deep metaphorical currents that run through each character that make this a transformational story we can learn from. The Lion thinks he doesn't have enough courage. The Tin Man thinks he's incapable of forming relationships. The Scarecrow thinks he isn't smart enough to succeed. Finally, Dorothy represents each of us traveling into the unknown with our anxieties.

The characters transform as they travel along the yellow brick road. They become more enlightened, and begin to have more control over their destiny. Their journey is a series of developmental moments of self-discovery. And when they finally meet the Wizard, they realize that they themselves had already solved their problems and made the changes they wanted as they traveled along the road. Like Dorothy, you will experience iterative change along the way as you transform into a more conscious person. But you need to find your own yellow brick road and learn to be conscious of the “gap.”


There is a famous announcement in the London Underground: ...

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