CHAPTER 19Feed Your Accelerators

In India, there is a 125-year-old lunch delivery service called the dabbawala network. Thousands deliver home-cooked, hot food in lunch boxes to office workers in Mumbai every day. It is claimed that the “lunch box men” make less than one mistake in every six million deliveries. What drives these delivery men to be such a phenomenon in supply chain management?

Their secret: The dabbawala guys drive with their personal accelerators – the passion for what they do, the meaning they find in their work, and their desire to live up to their history and reputation. These delivery men choose to see, think, feel, and act every day in a manner that allows them to feel deep pride in their work. For them, pride take precedence over a paycheck.1

Accelerators drive us forward. They activate positive energy and support us to move across the gap. The more aware we are of our accelerators, the more we can use them to activate change. Our hijackers do the opposite. They undermine and sabotage us and derail us in negative ways. Accelerators put us in the driver's seat. Hijackers slow us down and apply the brakes.

What is needed to create real change in our lives and inside organizations is to raise awareness about what accelerates us forward. Examples could include our hope and optimism, confidence and generosity, or focus and practice. Our hijackers are things like perfectionism, pleasing others, and stress and burnout. We will talk about your hijackers in ...

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