Consumer Behaviour and Branding: Concepts, Readings and Cases - The Indian Context

Book description

India is one of the emerging markets that pose a unique set of challenges to marketers. The importance of the context and the usefulness of concepts in the Indian context is the core proposition of Consumer Behaviour and Branding: Concepts, Readings and Cases-The Indian Context. The diversity of a mix of factors such as cultural aspects, lifestyles, demographics and unbranded offerings make consumer behaviour a fascinating study, and this book focuses on the behavioural principles of marketing and its application to branding in the Indian context.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Contents
  4. Dedication
  5. Preface
  6. Introduction: Why Concepts Are Important in the Indian Context?
    1. Importance of Cultural Dimensions
    2. Importance of Timing
    3. Challenges in Emerging Markets
    4. Challenges for Marketers
    5. Options Available to Branded Offerings
  7. Part I - Concepts in Consumer Behaviour
    1. Chapter 1: Linkages Between Concepts and the Indian Marketing Reality
      1. The Experiential Approach to Branding
      2. Consumers and Contextual Creativity
      3. Marketing Myopia as a Classic Strategy
      4. Consumer Perception and Marketing Strategies
      5. Branding Commodities–Conceptual Linkages
      6. Price Discounting and Sales Promotion—Its Implications
      7. Perceived Risk and Branding
      8. The Power of Brand Associations
      9. The Enigma of the Three C's—Culture, Cricket and Consumers
      10. Hedonism—The Universal Marketing Appeal
      11. Variety—Marketer's Dilemma or Consumer's Confusion
      12. Approaches to Consumer Buying Behaviour
      13. Challenges of Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Migration
      14. Opinion Leaders as Thought Leaders
      15. Conceptualizing Glamour–Celebrity Advertising as a Branding Strategy
      16. Exploring the Consumer Lifecycle
    2. Chapter 2: The Importance of Consumer Behaviour Towards Brand Success
      1. Behavioural Dimensions of Marketing
      2. Consumer Behaviour and Brand Success
      3. Touch of Reality
        1. The Digital Connection with Consumer Behaviour
        2. Coffee and Consumers
        3. Diversity and Importance of Consumer Needs in an Emerging Market
        4. Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Strategy
        5. Captive Consumers
        6. It Is Consumer Behaviour all the Way
    3. Chapter 3: Consumer Decision Making and Branding Strategies
      1. Consumer Decision Making: Important Dimensions
      2. Strategies of Applying Consumer Decision Making
      3. Consumers, Shopping Styles and Brands
      4. Touch of Reality
        1. Differentiating Involvement Levels
        2. Degrees of Information Search
    4. Chapter 4: The Concept of Perception and Its Impact on Marketing Strategies
      1. The Concept of Brand Re-positioning
      2. Developing Brand Differentiations
      3. Perception and Technological Products
      4. The Process of Branding Hi-tech Products
      5. Touch of Reality
        1. India's Harley Davidson
    5. Chapter 5: Learning Principles and Their Usefulness to Branding Associations
      1. The Concept of Conditioning
      2. Building Relationship Programs
      3. Touch of Reality
        1. Old Brands and New Communication–Applying Learning Theories
        2. Strengths of Brand Associations
    6. Chapter 6: The Role of Motivation and Personality Dimensions in Brand Associations
      1. Multiplicity of Needs
      2. Touch of Reality
        1. Brand Personality and Self Concepts
    7. Chapter 7: Attitudes and Their Impact on Branding Strategies
      1. Linkages in Attitude Formation
      2. Marketing Implications
      3. How are Attitudes Formed
      4. Role of Beliefs in Attitude Formation
      5. Types of Influence on Attitude Formation
      6. The Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)
      7. Touch of Reality
        1. Attitudes Matter in an Emerging Market
      8. Caselet
        1. Attitudinal Linkages to New Product Category Creation: Attitudes and “Aftershower”
    8. Chapter 8: Diffusion of Innovation: The Acceptance of New Products and Brands
      1. Defining “New” Products
      2. Dimensions of Brand Diffusion
      3. Why Do Brands Fail
      4. Branding the Unknown—Strategies for “Small” Brands
      5. Barrier Breakers: An Application of the Concept of Diffusion of Innovation
      6. Touch of Reality
        1. Price Matters, but It Is not the Only Factor
        2. Diffusion in Emerging Markets—From Functionality to Glamour
        3. Technologies, Company Strategies, Consumer Appeal and Diffusion
    9. Chapter 9: The Concept of Reference Groups and Their Implications on Branding
      1. Types of Reference Groups
      2. Reference Groups as a Powerful Source of Influence
      3. Celebrity Usage and Their Impact
      4. Touch of Reality
        1. WOM and Perceived Risks
        2. The Triad Route to Celebrities and Brand Associations
    10. Chapter 10: Dimensions of Culture and Branding
      1. Marketing Communication—The Ethnic Way
      2. Touch of Reality
        1. Branding Associations and Cultural Practices
    11. Chapter 11: Retailing and Consumer Behaviour Linkages to Branding
      1. Dimensions of Retail Equity
      2. Developing Retail Equity—Importance of the Target Segment
      3. Importance of Appropriate Service
      4. Retail Loyalty
      5. Customized Information Search—A Futuristic Retailing Option
      6. Touch of Reality
        1. Point of Consumption Is the “Point of Decision Making”
        2. Consumer Compulsivity in the Indian Modern Retail Setting
        3. Hedonism as a Retail Experience
    12. Chapter 12: The E-Mode of Brand Positioning: The Need for an Online Positioning Interface
      1. Introduction
      2. Different Dimensions of Brand Positioning
      3. Loyalty as a Positioning Dimension
      4. Positioning Framework-I
      5. Positioning Framework-II
      6. Positioning Framework-III
      7. Other Topical Dimensions/Issues in Positioning
      8. Marketing Implications: Creating a Synergy Between Off-Line and Online Positioning
      9. Framework for Synergising Online and Off-line Strategies
    13. Chapter 13: Concepts of Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Relationship Management
      1. How Consumers Learn from Experience?
      2. Seeking Customers and Retaining Customers—The Concept of CRM
      3. Drivers of Relationship Programmes
      4. Brand Loyalty as a Strategy
      5. Planning Customer Relationships
      6. Customer Mapping: A Practice-Oriented CRM Tool
      7. Touch of Reality
        1. Expectations Matter
  8. Part II - Readings
    1. Reading 1: Factors Affecting Brand Loyalty: A Study in an Emerging Market on Fast Moving Consumer Goods
    2. Reading 2: Cultural Values and Branding in an Emerging Market: The Indian Context
    3. Reading 3: Linkages Between Brand Personality and Brand Loyalty: A Qualitative Study in an Emerging Market–The Indian Context
    4. Reading 4: Cultural Dimensions and MNC brands: A Study in the Indian Context
    5. Reading 5: Research Dimensions on Point of Purchase
    6. Reading 6: Expansion Advertising as a Precursor to Brand Loyalty in India
  9. Part III - Cases
    1. Case 1: Fiery Thrills or Windy Rides: Positioning a new Brand of Motorcycle in the Indian Context (An Emerging Market)
    2. Case 2: Call of the Mass Markets: The Indian Cell Phone Industry
    3. Case 3: The Importance of Experiential Marketing in Marketing Communications
  10. Bibliography
  11. Acknowledgements
  12. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Consumer Behaviour and Branding: Concepts, Readings and Cases - The Indian Context
  • Author(s): S. Ramesh Kumar
  • Release date: May 2009
  • Publisher(s): Pearson India
  • ISBN: 9788131722367