Elemental and Experimental Materials
158 Sustainable Environments
Bercy Chen Studio,
Residence on Annie Street,
Austin, Texas, United States
e home incorporates a modular steel
frame with an infi ll of thermally effi cient,
prefabricated and preinsulated steel panels,
reducing construction site waste and making
the tectonics of the building clear. Using an
exposed structure with infi ll panels (faced
with horizontal cumaru board) required
fewer materials for the fi nishes inside and
out.  e steel is durable and both insect and
decay resistant.
Above A number of factors contributed to
the house’s certifi cation as a City of Austin
Green Building project, including construc-
tion methods and materials.  e home is a
slab-on-grade building, with the sealed con-
crete slab serving as the fi nished oor. e
concrete obviates additional layers of wood
or nonrenewable materials, while eliminating
dust and mold. Walls and ceilings are also
effi ciently constructed from clear stained
seven-ply maple plywood. A fl ush glazed
hallway pavilion between refl ecting pools
links the two halves of the house. Salvaged
steel plates form the base of the pools, which
are planted with native aquatics.
Elemental and Experimental Materials
160 Sustainable Environments
Steven Holl Architects,
Turbulence House,
Abiquiu, New Mexico, United States
Perched on a desert mesa, this artists’ resi-
dence is constructed from intricately pieced
together aluminum panels.  e high refl ec-
tivity of the surface prevents the absorption
of excess solar radiation and helps to cool
the interior. To further reduce direct solar
gain, the fenestration, which remains rela-
tively small, is mostly located on the north
or shaded sides of the house.
Opposite e house’s aerodynamic form ac-
commodates the desert wind through a cen-
tral void on the ground level that gives the
structure its two-legged appearance. ( e
smaller leg on the south side serves as a stor-
age shed.) Natural fi nish, at-lock seam alu-
minum panels form the shell of the house.
e panels were designed using parametrics,
then digitally fabricated by a sheet-metal
company in Kansas City with extraordinary
precision.  e process minimizes waste
material generated during production;
excess aluminum can be recycled at the
fabrication shop.
Elemental and Experimental Materials

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