Above e design reused steel columns and
beams for the frame, concrete and steel in-
verset decks (concrete roadway) for the fl oors
and roofs, and steel formwork for planters
on the roof.  e heavy frame easily supports
two roof gardens with trees and shrubs over
the garage and house that are accessed by an
external stair. Concrete masonry unit walls
at the garage provide the support for the
concrete deck that forms the roof.
salvaged inverset deck
salvaged steel formwork planter box
salvaged inverset deck
salvaged inverset deck
salvaged w27x258 beams
salvaged w27x258 beams
salvaged inverset deck
Salvaged and Recycled Materials
Above Right and Right A simple four-col-
umn frame brought to the building site in
pieces was assembled by crane, using bolted
and welded connections. Columns were
attached to prepared concrete pier founda-
tions. Since the components were partially
prefabricated, the framing was completed in
fewer than two days.
182 Sustainable Environments
Above As the steel-framed structure is inde-
pendent of the building envelope, fenestra-
tion and partitions could be placed anywhere
according to function and composition.  e
exterior walls are fi nished with horizontal
cedar tongue-and-groove siding. With the
frame spanning 38 feet (11.6 meters) in the
short direction, most of the ground-fl oor
space remains quite open.
Salvaged and Recycled Materials
Above Right and Opposite e concrete
surfaces and structure of the inverset decks
are left exposed on both fl oor and ceiling. A
light-framed steel stair with wood risers con-
nects the two-level house within the heavy
steel frame to the great room, adjacent to the
frame. Although the steel beams are quite
substantial, the lightness and refi nement of
the architectural detailing maintains a human
scale and prevents the structure from being
184 Sustainable Environments
Salvaged and Recycled Materials

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