Chapter 8

Yellowstone: A Dedicated Resource for Earth System Science

Richard Loft, Aaron Andersen, Frank Bryan, John M. Dennis, Tom Engel, Pam Gillman, David Hart, Irfan Elahi, Siddhartha Ghosh, Rory Kelly, Anke Kamrath, Gabrielle Pfister, Matthias Rempel, Justin Small, William Skamarock, and Michael Wiltberger

National Center for Atmospheric Research

Bryan Shader, Po Chen

University of Wyoming

Ben Cash

Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies

8.1    Overview

8.1.1    Science Motivation

8.1.2    Sponsor and Program Background

8.2    Project Timeline

8.2.1    NWSC Construction

8.2.2    Yellowstone Procurement

8.3    System Overview

8.4    Hardware Architecture

8.4.1    Processors and Nodes

8.4.2    Rack-Level Packaging

8.4.3    Interconnect

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