Chapter 5

Understanding the Power of the “Tilt”

When a trout rises to a fly, it does not swim as much as tilt its fins and jet skyward.


In the movie The Matrix, starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne, Reeves’s character (Neo) is tested to see whether he is “The One.” While Neo is outside in the waiting area, a young protégé is holding up spoon after spoon, bending each one. As Neo sits beside the protégé, the young boy tells Neo that he has to look at the spoon in a different way … that the spoon actually does not exist at all.

Soon after, Neo was able to tilt his head to the side and slowly bend the spoon.


Peter Thiel, cofounder of PayPal (along with Tesla founder Elon Musk) and Facebook’s first ...

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