Content Marketing for Nonprofits: A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money

Book description

Nonprofits are communicating more often and in more ways than ever before . . .but is anyone paying attention?

In her follow-up to The Nonprofit Marketing Guide: High-Impact, Low-Cost Ways to Build Support for Your Good Cause, Kivi Leroux Miller shows you how to design and implement a content marketing strategy that will attract people to your cause, rather than begging for their attention or interrupting them with your communications. Youll learn how to plan, create, share, and manage relevant and valuable content that inspires and motivates people to support your nonprofit in many different ways.


  • Eye-opening look at how nonprofit marketing and fundraising is changing, and the perils of not quickly adapting

  • Up-to-date guidance on communicating in a fast-paced, multichannel world

  • How to make big-picture strategic decisions about your content, followed by pragmatic and doable tactics on everything from editorial calendars to repurposing content

  • Real-world examples from 100+ nonprofits of all sizes and missions

This book is your must-have guide to communicating so that you keep the supporters you already have, attract new ones, and together, change the world for the better.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Additional Praise for Content Marketing for Nonprofits
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. The Jossey-Bass Nonprofit Guidebook Series
  6. Other Titles in the Jossey-Bass Guidebook Series
  7. Contents
  8. Figures and Tables
  9. Foreword
  10. Preface
    1. What Is Content Marketing?
    2. It's a Long Trek
    3. Stop, Think, and Discuss
  11. Acknowledgments
  12. About the Author
  13. Part One | Finding a New Path: The Power of Content Marketing
    1. Chapter One: Hearing the Call of the Wild
      1. The End of the Target Audience
      2. Participants, Supporters, and Influencers: Your PSIs
      3. Seismic Shifts Affecting Your Marketing Strategy
      4. Media Shifts: More Channels, More Choices, More Power to Decide
      5. Demographic Shifts: The Four Generations of Your PSIs
      6. How Each Generation Views Philanthropy
      7. How Media and Demographic Shifts Affect Communications Choices
      8. Why You Need to Respond to These Shifts
      9. The Inner Angel–Inner Bookkeeper Problem
      10. Why It Matters: Your PSIs Decide Relevance, Not You
    2. Chapter Two: Understanding This Trek
      1. The Theory of Change for Nonprofit Content Marketing
      2. How to Stop Interrupting and Start Attracting
      3. How Inbound and Outbound Communications Work Together
      4. Communications at VolunteerMatch before and after Content Marketing
      5. Nonprofit Communications with and without a Content Strategy
      6. Focusing Less on Channels and More on Reactions
      7. Example: Remaking a Newsletter Using Content Marketing
      8. The Power of Becoming a Favorite Nonprofit
      9. Finding Your Nonprofit's Marketing Maturity Level
      10. Why It Matters: Favorite Organizations Win
    3. Chapter Three: Planting Your Flag at the Destination
      1. Why Are You Communicating in the First Place?
      2. Starting Your Goals Discussion: The Relative Importance of Short-Term Fundraising
      3. Fundraising Communicators versus Community-or Brand-Building Communicators
      4. Aligning Your Goals with What Defines Success
      5. Measuring Content Marketing Progress: Are We There Yet?
      6. Measuring Exposure versus Engagement
      7. Five Ways to Measure Marketing
      8. Setting SMART Objectives
      9. Why It Matters: Goals Get You Moving
  14. Part Two | Who Will Go with You: Redefining Your Marketing Relationships
    1. Chapter Four: Making Friends on the Trail
      1. Why People Give, Volunteer, and Advocate
      2. What Supporters Want from You
      3. What Volunteers Want from You
      4. What Advocates Want from You
      5. What Influencers Want from You
      6. Reaching Overlooked Program Participants
      7. How Your Needs and Theirs Come Together
      8. Leaving Content Cairns for People at Different Stages
      9. Why It Matters: They Are Your Partners, Not Your Audience
    2. Chapter Five: Deciding on Your Trail Name
      1. Picking Your Content Personality or Voice
      2. Customizing Your Voice with Tone and Style
      3. Taking on Big, Serious Issues in a Funny Voice
      4. Bringing Out Your Personality in Social Media
      5. No Matter Your Personality, Add the Three G's
      6. Why It Matters: You Need Them to Recognize You
    3. Chapter Six: Carrying the Load
      1. The Role of the Nonprofit Communications Director
      2. Helping Staff Understand the Basics
      3. Creating a Culture Where Everyone Is a Marketer
      4. Facilitating a Board Retreat on Marketing
      5. An Easy Way Others Can Help: Storytelling Stringers
      6. Supporting Your Team with a Marketing Bank
      7. Creative Briefs and Job Requests
      8. Dealing with Resistance
      9. Why It Matters: You Can't Do It as Well Alone
  15. Part Three | Envision the Journey: Preparing Your Content Marketing Plan
    1. Chapter Seven: Mapping It Out
      1. Identifying Big Events and Milestones
      2. Identifying Your Primary Calls to Action
      3. Identifying Your Major Story Arcs
      4. The Big Picture Communications Timeline for Lillian's List
      5. Why It Matters: You Have to Get Your Story Straight
    2. Chapter Eight: What You'll Talk About
      1. Developing Your List of Core Topics or Themes
      2. Three Kinds of Content: Evergreens, Perennials, and Annual Color
      3. Reliable Evergreens: Content with Staying Power
      4. Perennial Favorites: Long-Term Content You Actively Tend
      5. Annual Color: Short-Term, Splashy Content
      6. Combining Your Priorities with Their Interests
      7. Putting Some Cheese Sauce on That Broccoli
      8. Why It Matters: Good Conversation Requires Substance
    3. Chapter Nine: Building Your Itinerary
      1. You, the Media Mogul
      2. Why You Need an Editorial Calendar
      3. Finding the Right Tracking Process
      4. Organizing Your Editorial Calendar
      5. Using Spreadsheets and Calendars Together
      6. Planning Ahead: How Far Out Should You Look?
      7. Letting Your Editorial Calendar Evolve
      8. Planning a Reasonable Amount of Content
      9. Selecting Communications Channels: The Big Six
      10. Finding the Right Frequency of Communications
      11. Producing Good Content Takes Time, So Choose Wisely
      12. Still Not Sure? Start Here
      13. How Much to Map, How Much to Merge
      14. Using Editorial Meetings for Final Calendar Decisions
      15. Why It Matters: You Need a Dynamic Plan
    4. Chapter Ten: Conserving Energy on the Trail
      1. Making One-Third of Your Content Repurposed
      2. It’s Not Cheating; It’s Media Mogul Genius
      3. Determining What’s Ripe for Repurposing
      4. Five Favorite Ways to Repurpose Content
      5. Seventeen More Ways to Repurpose Your Content
      6. Repurposing Challenge: Getting More Mileage from an Awards Program
      7. Using Technology to Reheat and Remix
      8. Why It Matters: Repurposing Saves Lots of Time
    5. Chapter Eleven: Handling Surprises along the Way
      1. Preparing for Serendipity and Surprises
      2. Little Bets: Getting Creative and Other Experiments
      3. Letting a Little Bet Grow into a Way of Life
      4. Newsjacking: Taking Advantage of the Headlines
      5. How the Firelight Foundation Newsjacked the Facebook IPO
      6. Crisis Communications: Responding to Bad News
      7. Why It Matters: You Really Can Predict the Unpredictable
  16. Part Four | Set Out on Your Trek: Implementing Your Content Marketing Strategy
    1. Chapter Twelve: Living in the Moment
      1. The Six R's: How to Be Relevant
      2. Bringing the Six R's Together
      3. Why It Matters: We Pay Attention Only to What's Relevant
    2. Chapter Thirteen: Your Swiss Army Knife
      1. Eleven Favorite Types of Articles
      2. Focusing on Results
      3. Giving Your Supporters a Role in the Story
      4. Telling a Posthole Story
      5. Dressing Up Your Dogs
      6. Writing the Headline First
      7. Why It Matters: Don't Struggle, Do What Works
    3. Chapter Fourteen: Foraging and Filtering
      1. Reasons to Shine a Light on the Good Work of Others
      2. Finding Content to Curate
      3. Sharing Curated Content
      4. Always Give Credit—You're a Curator, Not a Thief!
      5. Using Conversation as the Content, Both Created and Curated
      6. Curating User-Generated Content
      7. Lessons on Curating User-Generated Content
      8. Why It Matters: They Are Smarter Than You Are
    4. Chapter Fifteen: The Best Trail Mix Recipe Ever
      1. Why Nonprofits Need Metaphors
      2. Coming Up with the Right Metaphor for Your Organization
      3. Twenty-Five Metaphors for Your Nonprofit
      4. Twelve Worn-Out Metaphors Your Nonprofit Should Avoid
      5. Using Humor in Nonprofit Communications
      6. Why Funny Works
      7. Connecting with Humor
      8. Why It Matters: Creativity Pays Off with Greater Engagement
    5. Chapter Sixteen: High Tech on the Trail
      1. The Right Technology Is Part of Your Staffing Strategy
      2. Some of My Favorite Tech Tools
      3. Why It Matters: They Expect a Good Experience
  17. Part Five | The Right Provisions for the Journey: What You Need to Know about the Channels You Choose
    1. Chapter Seventeen: Websites
      1. What’s Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    2. Chapter Eighteen: Blogs
      1. What’s Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    3. Chapter Nineteen: Email
      1. What’s Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    4. Chapter Twenty: Print Newsletters
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    5. Chapter Twenty-One: Facebook
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    6. Chapter Twenty-Two: Twitter
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    7. Chapter Twenty-Three: Google+
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    8. Chapter Twenty-Four: Video
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    9. Chapter Twenty-Five: Images
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    10. Chapter Twenty-Six: Pinterest
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
    11. Chapter Twenty-Seven: Mobile Devices
      1. What's Different about This Communications Channel
      2. Seven Ways to Make Your Content Work Here
      3. Seven Mistakes to Avoid
      4. Five Great Examples to Learn From
  18. Conclusion: Don't Go If You Won't Have Fun
  19. Nonprofits Included in This Book
  20. References
  21. Index

Product information

  • Title: Content Marketing for Nonprofits: A Communications Map for Engaging Your Community, Becoming a Favorite Cause, and Raising More Money
  • Author(s): Kivi Leroux Miller
  • Release date: September 2013
  • Publisher(s): Jossey-Bass
  • ISBN: 9781118444023