Chapter 4

Facilitating Buy-In from Your Team

In This Chapter

arrow Preparing leaders to sponsor the project

arrow Ensuring everyone understands content marketing concepts

arrow Developing a reporting plan

If content marketing is such a powerful strategy, why don’t most company executives quickly embrace it? To understand that, you need to look at the issues that impact the average manager. You also need to know why even your savviest colleagues are hesitant to jump in with both feet.

Content marketing does not require a complicated strategy, but it strikes fear in the hearts of many executives. Unlike marketing collateral, which is produced once and shared many times, content marketing requires the ongoing production of new content with no end in sight. It causes managers to think like publishers — which is not something they are used to doing. They know they are on unfamiliar ground and are reluctant to commit vast sums to funding new content initiatives. They feel comfortable producing their company’s product; they don’t like having to add “publisher” to their title.

In this chapter, you consider the issues surrounding buy-in for content marketing projects. Even if you have great ideas, you need ...

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