Chapter 6

Dipping into Customer Data

In This Chapter

arrow Looking at big data problems

arrow Recognizing why data is crucial to content marketing

arrow Discovering different types of data

Are you drowning in data but don’t have enough useful information? Most companies today are encountering big data problems. (Big data is the term used to describe all the analytical information collected from digital content.) A book on content marketing strategies would not be complete without a discussion of data. But before you look at specific content measurements, you need to understand the impact technology has had on data and the opportunities and problems it presents. In today’s marketplace, data plays a key role in every part of your online business and is critical to your content marketing success.

The good news is that both small and large companies can collect the data they need to make smart decisions. The bad news is that so much data gets collected that making sense of it can be hard. In this chapter, you look at the types of data that are available to you to gather, and the problems you may run into when trying to harness their value.

Understanding Big Data

To expand on the brief definition of ...

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