Chapter 13
Creating Processes and Systems for Your Content
In This Chapter
Understanding the content workflow
Solidifying roles and responsibilities
Using an editorial calendar
Finding content writers
A chapter about systems and processes? You may be thinking that this content is reserved for people who love to talk about workflow. Well, it is. But it’s also important for everyone else who has to participate in getting his or her content to market. So that must include you, too.
In this chapter, you get into the nuts and bolts of your content framework. After your marketing strategy is in place and you know what kind of content you need, you’ll want to create a system that you can rely on to get the job done. This chapter also delves into how content systems and documented procedures make everything easier.
Organizing the Content Process
Why should you care about developing a system for your content efforts? The best answer is that everyone benefits, even those who are not directly involved in the process. You would probably not consider mounting any other kind of project in your ...
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