Chapter 18
The Power of Pictures
Most people likely have at least two cameras: a traditional digital camera of some sort and a cell phone that can take photos.
Adding photography into your content mix is not something that needs to be expensive, scary, or daunting. As world-renowned Seattle photographer Chase Jarvis says, “The best camera is the one that you have with you.” Keep that in mind as we talk about how photography can add visual interest to your content mix.
What Should I Take Pictures Of?
Photography allows you to put a face on your business. Is your company run by machines, or does a robot greet people at the front door? Unless you’ve got something really cool going on, the answer is no. So allow photos to show the human side of your business—not necessarily headshots of all your staff on your website, but that wouldn’t be a bad start.
Capture moments in and around the company. Take photos at the next company meeting, summer picnic, or holiday party, even if you don’t have a solid use for them yet. Encourage your staff to bring cameras and take photos, or consider purchasing an official camera for the office to use at business events.
Those photos can be shared online or used in print brochures or other marketing materials for your company. Zappos has gone so far as to publish a yearly Culture Book that, in addition to words of inspiration and other goodies, includes a healthy dose of photos from all around the company.
In addition to taking pictures of ...
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