Chapter Ten: Control of constrained discrete-time systems with time-varying state delay1
Valter J.S. Leitea; Eugenio B. Castelanb; Luis F.P. Silvaa; Carla de Souzab aDepartment of Mechatronics Engineering, Campus Divinópolis — CEFET–MG, Divinópolis, MG, BrazilbDepartment of Automation and Systems Engineering, PPGEAS — DAS/CTC/UFSC, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
In this chapter, we present the stabilization problem for the class of discrete-time state-delayed systems under saturating actuators and state-constraints. We exploit an augmented model representation that allows handling the variation rate of the delay. We show that such an approach is suitable to cast specific stabilization problems, including LPV, quasi-LPV, switching, and robust ...
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