The proof is in the pudding—or, should I say, in the ice cream. Each of the following case studies used convergence tools to create unprecedented results and profits. I attacked different problems in different industries and markets and was usually successful beyond the clients’ wildest dreams. All of the tools and tactics I’ve provided are validated in these case studies, which I hope will inspire you to plunge in head first and start making your own profit—or pudding, as it were.
Pervasive Software in Austin wanted to introduce both webmasters and novice web developers to its new web development tool, Tango 2000 Development Studio. Because few people in the target audience had ever heard of the company, let alone the product, my challenge was to overcome a number of objections. I needed to get beyond what might seem to be another me-too product and persuade them to invest in the learning curve of this new product. In addition, Pervasive was also looking to gain market share from its biggest competitor, Cold Fusion. We had one million potential users to target with one integrated media campaign.
Rather than following the look and tone of most high-tech ads of the day, which looked like a boring data sheet, we went the other way. We created an integrated multimedia campaign for Tango 2000 that used nontech graphics and copy that stimulated interaction with the target audience. However, the key to our success was knowing our target. We started ...