11Axiomatic Analysis of Pre-Processing Methodologies Using Machine Learning in Text Mining: A Social Media Perspective in Internet of Things

Tajinder Singh1, Madhu Kumari2, Daya Sagar Gupta3* and Nikolai Siniak4

1 Department of CSE, SLIET Longowal, India

2 Department of CSE, Chandigarh University, India

3 Department of CSE, RGIPT Amethi, India

4 Private Institute of Management and Business, Belarus


Despite of the behemoth utilization of social media platforms for various aspects, which provides opportunities to analyze and study the social behavior of users, text mining’s role has been not explored fully. For this, text mining is the way to discover interesting patterns in data. The motive of text mining is to utilize discovered patterns to elucidate contemporary behavior or to predict future outcomes. Multiple disciplines participate in crawling text to discover required textual patterns such as mathematical modeling, computer science, data mining and warehousing to name a few. For this purpose, embeddings are also playing a key role and under the umbrella of machine learning, IoT (Internet of things) are coping up flawlessly at an individual level to predict the behavior in terms of security privacy, analysis, and prediction. Through this chapter, explaining the role of such strategies in social media text analysis for finding knowledgeable patterns. To illustrate and deliberate the areas of social media which are reachable on an amazing variety in the field of text ...

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