We often think of reading and writing as a solitary acts, but they can also be common acts of convergence. Salman Rushdie once explained, “a different kind of identity is produced ‘as reader and writer merge, through the medium of the text, to become a collective being that both writes as it reads and reads as it writes.’ For Rushdie, this is the greatest and most subversive gift offered by a book.”1

I would like to thank my team at Wiley for the opportunity to write for AD, and for their guidance, support, and encouragement throughout the writing of this book. Special thanks to Amanda Miller, vice president and publisher; Dr. Paul Sayer, publisher; Miriam Murphy, project editor; Amy Odum, senior production editor; Justin Mayhew, associate marketing director; and Calver Lezama, who has now worked with me on several books.

A hearty thank you to Helen Castle for recognizing the promise of the book from the very beginning and for helping to shepherd the initial idea for the book into its present state.

Also special thanks to my contributors Brian Ringley, Nathan Miller, Toru Hasegawa, Robert Yori, Robert Vierlinger, Sam Miller, Anthony Buckley-Thorp, the folks at PARTISANS, Philip Beesley, Markku Allison, Yun Kyu Yi, Mani Golparvar Fard, Jamie Farrell, Nels Long, M A Greenstein, Jose Sanchez, Carin Whitney, and Matthew Krissel for their generosity of time, and sharing of their experience and insights.

Lastly, my thanks to Aaron Lanoisz, who not only rendered the ...

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