Chapter 1. Introduction 31
If you add a new volume with a volume serial number of a volume previously
defined in the CDS, DFSMSrmm will display a new panel as shown in
Figure 1-23.
Figure 1-23 Add duplicate volume
1.1.7 Policies for retention and movement
DFSMSrmm provides policy management for movement and retention at the
data set, volume, or volume set level. Every tape data set can have a policy, and
each policy can specify movement as well as retention. The retention and
movement policies you define to DFSMSrmm are known as vital record
specifications (VRSs). You use them to indicate how long and where you want to
keep data sets or volumes. You also use them to define how volumes are to be
moved among the libraries that DFSMSrmm supports and the storage locations
defined for vital records and disaster recovery purposes.
Note: In DFSMSrmm we have three different values to identify a volume:
VOLSER To specify the volume serial number
VOL1 To define a duplicate volume when the VOL1 label
volume serial number does not match the volume you are
defining to DFSMSrmm
RACK Specifies a shelf location in the removable media library
where DFSMSrmm stores the volume
EDGPT250 DFSMSrmm Add Duplicate Volume
Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE
Volume DV0001 duplicates existing volume DV0001
Enter selected option for volume DV0001 or use line command below
Any recommended option is pre-selected for you
Option ===> 1
1 Add the volume as a duplicate
2 Change the existing volume to be a duplicate
Specify a pool for the duplicate volume
Pool prefix ===> DUP*
The following line commands are valid: C,D,E,L,M,V
Volume VOL1 Rack Data Product Feat
S serial volser number Status Location Sets Label number Level code
- ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- ----- ----- -------- --------- ----
32 Converting to DFSMSrmm from TLMS
You can create a vital record specification chain to cause a sequence of volume
moves. The first vital record specification in the chain is a data set name, SMS
management class, DFSMSrmm management value or volume vital record
specification. These specify one location in which the data set or volume being
retained is to be stored. You would add one name vital record specification for
each additional location or retention value that applies to the volume or data set.
DFSMSrmm records the starting location for a volume when the volume is
initially defined to DFSMSrmm, or when the volume information is changed. This
starting location is known to DFSMSrmm as a home location. Home is the place
from which volumes start, and to which they are returned, when the identified
retention and movement actions have been completed.
Data set retention
You use data set names and data set name masks to define retention policies for
data sets, and you use job names and job name masks to define retention
policies to further qualify the criteria for applying retention and movement
policies. For data sets, you can request the following types of retention.
Retention by PARMLIB option - VRSEL(NEW|OLD)
You can control the extent to which data set name and management value
VRSs are used. You can define different retention criteria in a next VRS only if
you specify VRSEL(NEW).
Retention by cycles
You can retain a minimum number of cycles or copies of a data set. This type
of retention applies to generation data groups (GDGs) or like-named data
sets identified by pseudo-GDG data set names. For non-GDG data sets,
DFSMSrmm considers each occurrence of a data set to be a cycle.
Retention by BYDAYSCYCLE
You can specify to retain all instances of a data set created on a single day as
a single cycle.
Retention until expired
You can retain a data set until volume expiration date has been reached or the
retention amount has elapsed.
Retention by number of elapsed days
You can retain each copy of a data set a given number of days since it was
Retention by days since last referenced
You can retain each copy of a data set for a set number of days since the data
set was read or written.
Retention while data set is cataloged
You can retain any data set as long as it remains cataloged. Catalog status

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