
21st: The Journal of Contemporary Photography, 11, color plate 7

À la poupée. See Inking in color

A/B developer, 175

Additives, for ink

tack reducers, 121, 124, Fig. 9-3

plate oil, 120, 124

Adhering solutions:

alcohol/water solutions, 71

care and handling, 71, 102

distilled or pre-boiled water, 71

problems, 8586, 172

specific gravity, 71, 85

temperature, 71

Adhering, dry lay-down, 15455

summary, 155

Adhering, wet lay-down. See also Sensitizing the tissue

blotting, 74

procedure, 7374, Figs. 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, color plate 13

safelight, 73

set up, 72, Fig. 6-1

summary, 82

See also Sensitizing the tissue

Alcohol as Plexiglas degreaser, 28, 38

Alcohol, ethyl. See Adhering solutions

Alcohol, to dry resist, 79

contaminated, 72, 8687, Figs. 6-12 ...

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