30 April 2020: Is the ‘News Sentiment Impact’ on Markets Back in Business?
27 April 2020: Oil, Again
22 April 2020: Oil’s Historic Fall: Precipitated by Quickly Worsened Sentiment?
21 April 2020: Crude and Coronavirus: Oil Futures in Negative for the First Time in History and Its Key Implications
20 April 2020: Markets and Coronavirus Sentiment: The Battle between Optimism and Pessimism
17 April 2020: News Sentiment on Donald Trump Does Not Matter for Markets? No, It Does Not - Not Really?
15 April 2020: Is Trump Losing the Perception Battle in Media and Why Does this Matter for Markets?
9 April 2020: Is the Fed Making Data on Fundamentals Irrelevant for Markets?
8 April ...