Chapter 8. Making the Most of Search Engines

In This Chapter

  • Analyzing keywords

  • Reviewing how search engines find your content

  • Using keywords and content to attract search engines

  • Registering with search engines

  • Leveraging search engines to increase traffic and conversions

Search engines have changed the way the Internet is navigated. According to recent statistics, 90 percent of Internet sessions start with or include a search. Search engines are constantly adjusting their algorithms to push the most relevant content to the top of the search engine results pages (SERPs) to keep users happy and coming back.

As the world's most popular search engine, Google and its algorithms changed the search engine world forever, allowing Google to dominate the search engine market. Google's methodologies incorporate the following criteria:

  • Popularity: The more links from relevant, authoritative domains back to your page and domain the more your pages and domains gain in ranking for the relevant keywords and phrases.

  • Relevance: The more relevant your content is to the keywords or phrases searched, the better the chances of your site being found for those keywords or phrases.

  • Recency: The more recent your content is to the keywords or phrases searched, the better the chances of your site being found for those keywords or phrases.

  • Frequency: The more frequently your content mentions the keywords and phrases, the better the chances of your site being found for those keywords or phrases.

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