Chapter Six

Role of Ethics in Fighting Fraud

WHEN COMPANIES IGNORE the need to maintain a strong ethical foundation for themselves and their employees, they open up the floodgates and expose themselves to fraud.


Refer to Chapter 6 in Corporate Fraud and Internal Control: A Framework for Prevention.

1. As applied in a business context, ethics are intended to provide organizations with the tools required to deal with ___________ since many business decisions have an ethical component.
2. Wheelright defined three fundamentals underlying the impact of ethics and decision making:
  • Ethics involve questions requiring .
  • Ethics are concerned with the ___________ of decisions.
  • Ethics involve ___________ as to what is right and wrong.
3. The most fundamental schism in ethical theory is the division between ___________ , which claims that it is possible to know moral wrong from right ___________ , and ___________ , which claims that we cannot know ___________ because all such judgments are ___________ and influenced by cultural preferences.
4. The view that morality is culturally relative is known as ___________ and is supported by the differences in existing cultural views seen around the world.
5. The ___________ reflects a belief that there are effectively no choices.
6. The ___________ holds that actions should bring the most good to the most people.
7. ...

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