First and foremost, we want to thank Kit Bingham, former editor of the indispensable magazine Corporate Governance, without whom this book would still be just a dream. His tireless, thorough, creative, and even cheerful diligence provided most of the case studies and supporting material in the first three editions, and he made even the more tedious aspects of research and writing a genuine pleasure. Professor emerita D. Jeanne Patterson did a masterful job of reading through hundreds of academic papers, assembling the material for the NYSE (Grasso) case study, and providing assistance throughout the process of writing and editing. David Smith was very helpful with the fourth edition and Zachary Cloyd's superb research skills and good spirits were an essential contribution for the fifth.
We are honored to be able to include case studies from three top scholars and extend our deepest thanks to Beth Young, Jennifer Taub of the Vermont Law School, and John Coleman of NCI Consulting. Dave Wakelin was most generous with his time in bringing us up to date on the Maine State Retirement System. Paul Lee of Hermes allowed us to use his superb case studies of Premier Oil and Trinity Mirror. Paola Perotti and Rolf H. Carlsson gave us outstanding case studies with an insider's perspective. Teresa Barger and Michael Lubrano of Cartica Capital and formerly of the Corporate Governance and Capital Markets Advisory Department International Finance Corporation/World Bank were kind ...