Research on Evaluation and Index of Private-oriented Listed Enterprise Governance

Private enterprises are the outcome of the Chinese economy development, reformation and opening up, and play an important role in the increase in the Chinese economy. With flexible operation mechanisms, private enterprises exert more impact on the Chinese economic development and economy structure and regulations. Based on the evaluation of listed company governance in the previous chapter, this chapter emphasizes particularly the evaluation of private listed enterprise governance status, analyzing the relationship between governance status and corporate performance and comparing the governance characteristics of private-oriented listed enterprises.

Literature review on governance of private enterprises

In view of there being scarce literature about evaluation of private listed enterprise governance, we mainly analyze general research literature about private enterprises. We research on private listed enterprise governance from trust mechanism, organization manner and other angles, mainly surrounding the family system characteristic of private enterprises. Seen from the angle of corporate governance, some scholars do research on private listed enterprise governance by the comparison of different ownership structures. With the relationship between human capital and currency capital, some scholars point out it should not be overemphasized that the single aspect of owners of human capital and ...

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