Corporate Risks: Unit 5
17.1 Frauds, Deception, and Scams
The word fraud comes from the Latin fraus and means an action contrary to the truth, a deception that is committed against a person or an organization.
The jurist Servio Rufo (105–43 BC) defined fraud as the simulation of doing one thing, when in reality another was done, in order to deceive someone. The Roman jurist Marco Labeon (1 BC) then defined fraud as “All cunning, deceit or machination used to surprise, deceive or defraud another.”*
* “Título 8, De dolo,” archivos.juridicas.unam.mx, 217–8; “Actio Doli.” Revista Jurídica Electrónica Facultad de Derecho Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora, www.derecho.unlz.edu.ar (Legal Electronic Journal Faculty of Law National University ...