16 Summary of the Ten MO.O.N.s

16.1. Natural operating modes: a functional concept

Natural operating modes, as a functional concept (MO.O.N.), primarily have the intention to apprehend human and, if necessary, animal and botanical activity, according to a processual, dynamic, useful and continuous principle. We have suggested this concept to go beyond those put forward by the words “talent” and “intelligence”; the latter seem constricted to us, because of an intellectual exhaustion of the resource of words and their history. This is the danger of the “rhetorician”, who becomes a slave to the words he/she uses and locks his/her mind into the ideas contained in said words; then, obstructed by the “view” of ideas projected on the world, he/she becomes incapable of re-founding the resource of the word and consequently of the underlying concept. Ideology is the name of this process. By explaining a word too much, one smooths the wrinkles that are supposed to represent an aspect of reality.

IMPORTANT.– A person does not “possess” talent or intelligence. “Talent” is not a “what”. It is therefore not a quantity that can be measured, despite the efforts supported by certain models of thought that are indisputable from their point of view; it is a sum of abilities that we have grouped together under the so-called natural operating mode family. Measure, let us repeat it one last time, is only determined by the point of thought, or in the case of reality, the point of space and time from ...

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