3Smart Corrosion Management Elements

Reza Javaherdashti1 and Faranak Javaherdashti2

1 Eninco Engineering B.V., Hengelo, The Netherlands

2 IMI (Industrail Management Institute), Tehran, Iran

3.1 Introduction

Management of corrosion differs from corrosion management (CM) in that it has a strong management component attached to it. Based on all definitions given so far for CM, it can be inferred that CM deals with the risk of corrosion and this is, at its best, just half of the truth about management of corrosion.

In this chapter, we want to look at a concept that so far has been known as CM from a different angle. We would like to address confusion that we have observed in our contacts with industries; and that is mixing up CM with corrosion engineering with a sugar coating of some cost analysis. Even in CM‐related papers and documents published by reputable corrosion authorities, approaches toward CM seem to have been a mix of diagrams, procedures, and step‐by‐step documentation procedures that do not address anything but a technical issue related to corrosion; premature failure of a part in a system, coating disbondment, or concrete spalling.

However, as the very name implies, CM is composed of two parts: corrosion, which is a technical issue; and management, which is related to what humans do. In other words, any CM approach would have to include engineering/science of corrosion in addition to the human factor related to design and application of strategies, procedures, policies, ...

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