Chapter 15 Wire-framed Headdresses
Wire-framed headdresses were used in the children’s show Just So. The costumes for the show were plain and simple, mostly unitards and leotards with wraps; the focus of the costumes was the headdresses. Full wire-framed headdresses were made for most of the characters in the show, including Eland, Rhino, Kolokolo Bird, Zebra, Bushbuck, Koodoo, Giraffe, Quagga, Alligator, Cooking Stove (chimney), and Parsee (shaft hat). Half headdresses (ears only) were made for Dingo Dog, Jaguar, Leopard, and Kangaroo. Both the full and half headdresses were made of flexible aluminum conduit wire (also used in housing construction) built on top of the inner supports of construction helmets. All the headdresses were made with ...
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