Mission Checklists
Planning Overview
Planning Questions
1. Is there another team in the organization working on a similar plan?
2. How much time can we dedicate to the planning process? Are we deliberate or rapid?
3. What is the purpose of this plan: action, contingency, or concept?
4. Do I have latitude in forming the team? Can I make it more collaborative and cognitively diverse?
5. Leader's decision brief: Is one required now or later for budget reasons or for clarity?
6. Budget check: The concept in planning that recognizes that budgetary approval during the planning process is required.
7. Communication plan: What level of communication will be required for team planning and for the organization?
Eighty Percent Planning
A good plan executed flawlessly is better than a perfect plan left on the shelf or implemented too late. You need a bias for action along with simplified plans that your troops can understand, support, and implement.
Six Steps to Mission Planning
1. Determine the Mission Objective
a. Clear: Avoid proprietary or ambiguous terms unless the definition is agreed upon.
b. Measurable: Provide a date when the mission objective will be measured, and ensure success or failure will be unambiguous at mission completion.
c. Achievable: Does the planning team believe the mission objective is achievable?
d. Aligned: Consider a description of how this mission objective supports the high-definition destination (HDD) and how it attacks critical leverage points in ...