Running Our Query with GraphiQL

GraphiQL is “an in-browser IDE for exploring GraphQL,” and to make things easy for the user, Absinthe integrates with three versions of GraphiQL: the official interface,[10] an advanced version,[11] and GraphQL Playground.[12] All three are built in to the absinthe_plug[13] package and ready to go with just a little configuration.

The absinthe_plug dependency is already in our mix.exs file from the initial setup, but we need to now configure the Phoenix router to use it. Replace the existing "/" scope with the following block:

 scope ​"​​/"​ ​do
  pipe_through ​:api
  forward ​"​​/api"​, Absinthe.Plug,
 schema:​ PlateSlateWeb.Schema
  forward ​"​​/graphiql" ...

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