Creating Your First Rails Plug-in

If you already have Rails installed, you’re ready to craft your first plug-in. Let’s call this plug-in pdf_renderer:

$ ​rails plugin new pdf_renderer

When we run this command we see the following output:

create README.rdoc
create Rakefile
create pdf_renderer.gemspec
create .gitignore
create Gemfile
create lib/pdf_renderer.rb
create lib/tasks/pdf_renderer_tasks.rake
create lib/pdf_renderer/version.rb
create test/test_helper.rb
create test/pdf_renderer_test.rb
append Rakefile
vendor_app test/dummy
run bundle install

This command creates the basic plug-in structure, containing a pdf_renderer.gemspec file, a Rakefile, a Gemfile, and the lib and test folders. ...

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