© Sibel Deren Guler, Madeline Gannon, and Kate Sicchio 2016

Sibel Deren Guler, Madeline Gannon and Kate Sicchio, Crafting Wearables, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1808-2_10

10. Designing for the Body, on the Body

Sibel Deren Guler, Madeline Gannon2 and Kate Sicchio1

(1)Brooklyn, New York, USA

(2)Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Guest Chapter by Madeline Gannon

Designing for the body can be challenging with today’s digital tools. 3D-modeling environments tend to be empty virtual spaces that give no reference to the human body. Chapter 8 showed how 3D scanning and parametric modeling can help tailor your digital tools for crafting wearables. But even with customizing, they still have limitations. At the end of the day, you are 3D-modeling in a tool that was built ...

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