© Sibel Deren Guler, Madeline Gannon, and Kate Sicchio 2016

Sibel Deren Guler, Madeline Gannon and Kate Sicchio, Crafting Wearables, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1808-2_15

15. Wearable Costumes

Sibel Deren Guler, Madeline Gannon2 and Kate Sicchio1

(1)Brooklyn, New York, USA

(2)Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Guest Chapter by Kate Sicchio

Since the 1960s, performing artists and creative engineers have embedded various wearable technologies into costumes for performance. From dance to music and theatre, the idea of digital interfaces that use the body spans many disciplines and works. In these performances there is usually a performer who is somehow either triggering or responding to a wearable device on their body. For example, a musician may wear gloves with ...

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