Chapter 14
After the Interview: Thank 'em Like Crazy
You have just concluded a highly anticipated job interview. You prepared for it very diligently and tried to use every golden nugget that you ever read on successful job interviewing. The hiring manager has just escorted you out of the conference room and down the hallway to the elevator. Your mind is racing with a million questions as you leave the building. Did you make a good impression? Did you say all the right things? Did you convince the interviewer that you are the right fit for the job and the organization's culture?
Do not make the assumption that your hard work in preparing for the interview is over, and all you have to do now is sit and wait. You have more work cut out for you. This chapter is about thanking your interviewer(s) and following up with the organization, which is the third stage of the ACT Out interview process. You must keep the communication ball rolling with your potential employer after the interview to maximize your chances of landing the job.
The Waiting Game
After reflecting briefly on the interview, your initial reaction is that everything went reasonably well. You put into practice everything you learned in this book to set yourself apart—in a crazy good way—from the other candidates under consideration. The employer would be insane not to offer you the job on a silver platter. But how do you handle a potential employer who plays the agonizing waiting game with you? Mind you, the decision makers ...
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